May 2020 – News and Updates


If you’ve missed anything this month about your 3D Home Design Software, this news summary will help put you on the right page!

Success Story

Take a look at how Sixpence 21 LTD has doubled the productivity of conceptuals by using Cedreo to help clients visualize their project and reduce drafting times. Read the success story

Visual Sixpence

Improve your Cedreo skills with videos

New tutorials have been added to our YouTube channel (subscribe for more). One of them explains for example how to create a basement for your project. Watch Cedreo tutorials

Visual basement YouTube

New items in your catalogs

If you missed the news in the project manager, you have to know that some bar stools, kitchen islands, AC, switches, plugs, bath mats, awning windows, many doors and new symbols have been added to your catalogs. We hope you will like them!

Visual new items

3D Visualization for Interior Designers

This month, the spotlight is on Interior Designers. Here are the 5 things you must know about 3D visualization. Read the full article

Visual interior designers

So funny fail

This will never happen with a good 3D architecture software! Right?

Visual fail